The public CCTV system is operated by the borough council, at a cost of almost £200,000, and is helping police in their war on public order crime.
A report to the Social Scutiny Panel meeting later today reveals that 115 cameras have been installed to cover key areas throughout the borough, including both town centres, the Riversley and Miners Welfare parks, leisure centres, inside the Town Hall and car parks.
Brent Davis, the assistant director for asset management and strategic development, says that between April and December last year a total of 720 incidents were recorded on the cameras and, from these incidents, there were 305 arrests, which equates to 42 per cent.
“The police make regular visitis to the CCTV control room to gain evidence and in the first threequarters of the year have done so 605 times, to review 459 copies of recordings. This resulted in 309 evidential copies being made,” he said.
“Both the retail crime initiative and pubwatch have found the link with CCTV invaluable and the police rely heavily on the town centre CCTV system to assist them in their duties. Much crime would go undetected without its assistance,” said Mr Davis.
“Although CCTV does not see everything, what it has seen and recorded has made considerable savings in time and effort in the detection of crime.
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"Where CCTV is used in evidence, then there is usually a guilty plea, saving the tax payer thousands of pounds in legal fees that could be incurred if a defendant initially pleads not guilty.
“It also increases the public’s perception of feeling safe and being able to move around without the fear of crime.
"This factor is extremely important in the town centres where there is a need to attract visitors and if they feel safe, they will travel there.”
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